Serving as the Executive Secretary of APECS Sweden is an exciting responsibility for a polar early career researcher. The position not only provides the opportunity to help build upon a growing network of early career scholars in Sweden, it also creates connections to an international network of other APECS branches around the world, as well as the central APECS organization. The APECS Sweden Executive Secretary also comes in contact with senior scientists, government officials and other influential actors that shape polar knowledge production in Sweden and beyond. It is thus an excellent way to cultivate one’s own network, while also furthering the cause of polar science for dozens of other early career researchers across the country.
Some travel opportunities also arise from time to time. One former Executive Secretary was even sent by the Foreign Ministry to the North Pole on a Russian icebreaker to carry the Olympic flame on behalf of Sweden! What’s more, the Executive Secretary of our network is compensated for 10 % of full time employment. For PhD students this 10% can be part of the administrative or teaching work at their department. This position can be held by the same person and at the same department for only one year, and we are therefore now recruiting a new Executive Secretary for 2015.
Some examples of APECS Sweden activities in 2014
-Arranged a pub evening at Stockholm Univ with a presentation by National Geographic explorer Lars Larsson
-Organized the seminar ‘International Science and Policy in the High Arctic’
-Arranged a guided tour of the icebreaker Oden
What does the Executive Secretary do?
The responsibilities include (but are not limited to):
-updating website, twitter, email
-help to organize events together with the Steering Committee
– keeping in contact with the international APECS directorate, Excom, and the Polar Research Secretariat
-Assist the Steering Committee (call to meetings, write notes, help plan activities)
Who can apply?
APECS already has agreements with six university departments (see list below) to finance this position for a PhD student at their department. If you are not a PhD student at any of these departments you can still apply, however some additional work is required from you: You will need to meet an agreement with the department head of the department where you study/work to fund this position for one year if you were to be offered the job.
How do I apply?
Send your CV and personal letter, including motivation for applying to the position to apecs.sweden@gmail.com. Remember that you will need a support letter from your department head if you are not a PhD student at any of the departments in the list below.
Departments that APECS Sweden already has agreements with:
Geological Sciences (SU)
Meteorology (SU)
Zoology (SU)
History of Science, Technology and Environment (KTH)
Physical Geography and Quaternary Geology (SU)