APECS Sweden’s ES to the North Pole

APECS Sweden’s Executive Secretary (ES) has been invited to participate in a ceremony that will take the Olympic flame over the North Pole ahead of the Winter Olympics in Russia. The aim of the ceremony is to highlight the spirit of cooperation between the Arctic countries, all of which will be represented in the ceremony, and their shared goal of conserving the unique nature of the Arctic.

Ylva Sjöberg (ES) was asked by the Swedish Ambassador of the Arctic, Gustaf Lind, to represent Sweden at this ceremony. We are very glad that a young researcher and APECS representative was chosen for this, highlighting the importance for Arctic research and cooperation in the coming years.

The Russian organizing committee for Sochi 2014 is arranging the event. Participants will travel to the North Pole on the NS 50 Let Pobedy, the Russian icebreaker that will leave Murmansk on 15 October and return on 28 October.

The eight Arctic nations (the United States, Canada, Russia and the Nordic countries) cooperate within the Arctic Council to strengthen environmental protection, research and sustainable development in the region.

With some luck, Ylva will be able to tweet from the journey so follow us on Twitter!