Cryosphere Early Career Award

News from AGU! Nominate an excellent early career cryosphere reasearcher – we have so many in Sweden. Let’s show that to the AGU Cryosphere Focus Group! Or at least tell all senior cryosphere researchers to nominate someone and promote early career researchers. APECS Sweden promises cake to any Swede who wins this award! Call for …

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Welcome the new Steering Committee!

During Polarforum a new Steering Committee (SC) was elected for APECS Sweden. The new SC consists of Moa Hamré, Cecilia Wesslén, Johanna Mård Karlsson, Elin Jatze, Malin Johansson, Katrin Lindbäck and Ylva Sjöberg. You can contact the Steering Committe through the APECS Sweden email. Please look up our new updates on the People page.

Secretariat officially opened!

Yesterday the opening ceremony for our new secretariat was held in the lunch room in the Geo building at Stockholm University. It was a nice celebration with early career as well as senior scientists and other polar enthusiasts from all sponsoring institutions of the secretariat except for Arcum. Ideas were exchanged, chips eaten and bubbles …

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Program for Polarforum

The APECS session at Polarforum (March 19th) will be held 15.45 to 17.45. Read the agenda for our meeting and for Polarforum. Location: Spårvagnshallarna, Birger Jarlsgatan 57 A, Stockholm. Looking forward to seeing many of you there!