Join APECS Sweden!

The Association of Polar Early Career Scientists is an organisation that aims to stimulate interdisciplinary and international research collaborations, in addition to developing effective future leaders in polar research, education and outreach.

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Welcome APECS Sweden’s new Executive Secretary!

The Executive Secretary of APECS Sweden for 2014 will be Eric Paglia, PhD. candidate in Environmental History at KTH in Stockholm. Eric’s research on the nexus of science and geopolitics in the Arctic is being conducted within the Mistra project ‘Assessing Arctic Futures: Voices, Resources and Governance’. Eric has made several research trips to Svalbard, …

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At the North Pole

APECS Sweden’s Executive Secretary, Ylva Sjöberg, arrived at the North Pole on the 19th of October and took part of the Sochi 2014 Olympic Torch Relay together with colleagues from the 8 countries of the Arctic Council. The ceremony was beautiful and meant to show the cooperation between the arctic states and the beauty of the …

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APECS Sweden’s ES to the North Pole

APECS Sweden’s Executive Secretary (ES) has been invited to participate in a ceremony that will take the Olympic flame over the North Pole ahead of the Winter Olympics in Russia. The aim of the ceremony is to highlight the spirit of cooperation between the Arctic countries, all of which will be represented in the ceremony, …

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New representatives for ISIRA

Four Swedish early career polar scientists have been selected to join the activities of the International Science Initiative in the Russian Arctic (ISIRA), after APECS Sweden’s call this summer. We congratulate Anna Skarin at SLU in Uppsala, Joseph Sedlar at SMHI in Norrköping, Selima Ben Mustapha at Stockholm University and Elena Kotyrlo at Umeå University. …

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