Join APECS Sweden!

The Association of Polar Early Career Scientists is an organisation that aims to stimulate interdisciplinary and international research collaborations, in addition to developing effective future leaders in polar research, education and outreach.

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Blog from the Arctic Ocean

Follow Lindsay Bartholomew on a research cruise across the Arctic Ocean. The blog will be updated along the journey with news about the research and life onboard. Check it out here!

Workshop: scientific photography with Peter Rosén

When: August 18th @ 16.30- 21.30 Where: Abisko Scientific Research Station, The new lecture hall and outdoors For: All interested in scientific photography (Especially early career polar scientists!) –     We meet outside the new lecture hall and start with an outdoor session. There are 8 Canon system cameras and tripods available for you to share, …

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Cryosphere Early Career Award

News from AGU! Nominate an excellent early career cryosphere reasearcher – we have so many in Sweden. Let’s show that to the AGU Cryosphere Focus Group! Or at least tell all senior cryosphere researchers to nominate someone and promote early career researchers. APECS Sweden promises cake to any Swede who wins this award! Call for …

Read moreCryosphere Early Career Award

Welcome the new Steering Committee!

During Polarforum a new Steering Committee (SC) was elected for APECS Sweden. The new SC consists of Moa Hamré, Cecilia Wesslén, Johanna Mård Karlsson, Elin Jatze, Malin Johansson, Katrin Lindbäck and Ylva Sjöberg. You can contact the Steering Committe through the APECS Sweden email. Please look up our new updates on the People page.