Training in polar marine methods on board Oden


The Swedish Polar Research Secretariat is opening a training programme in polar marine field methods that will take place on board of Oden later this year.

You have a possibility to join a Swedish-Canadian expedition to the High Arctic on board of the Swedish icebreaker Oden and  the Canadian icebreaker CCGS Louis S. St-Laurent. The main purpose of the expedition is collecting marine geology data, but every participant of the programme is expected to come up with an own research project that could built on data from the expedition. These data will be made open-access after the expedition.

The five training packages include Heavy metals, Geophysical mapping and Water column imaging, Boundary-layer meteorology/Surface energy budget, Physical oceanography and Sediment coring and properties.

The expedition will take place between 5 August and 20 September 2016. The Swedish Polar Research Secretariat will cover the logistics, including costs of the training, transport to Oden and living costs on Oden, but not research costs associated with the collected data.

All early career scientists in marine or polar research who are associated with a Swedish institution are welcome to apply by 15 February 2016.

For more information, visit the Polar’s webpage.